Thursday, 5 June 2014

Dragon - in China

I don't exactly remember when the idea of Chinese co-producers was first mentioned for Dragon. It must have been early on because I remember an ideas session with Jamie and Candice (artistic directors of Vox Motus) on their return from a research trip to Beijing.

Jamie had this massive, roll out poster of a dragon emerging from a thunder cloud. It was beautiful, mysterious and, well, completely foreign to us.

The western tradition of Dragon is very much that of a monster to be defeated (think St George). Whilst in China, Jamie and Candice had spoken to many people about the Lung (Dragon in Mandarin) and found a very different system of belief.

Dragons are part of everyday culture, a lucky and positive creature, and there are all kinds of dragon too. Water dragons, sky dragons, gold dragons.

It was very important to us, as we continued to make Dragon, that we would find a way to respect and challenge both western and Chinese traditions.

Now the wheel has turned full circle as Dragon is set to open in China next week.

Jamie and Candice, and the rest of the creative team, have been out at the Tianjin People's Arts Theatre for a fortnight and I go out to see it in a couple of days.

It's a thrill and a privilege to see the work in another culture. And it's completely terrifying too.

I have no idea what China will make of our dragon but I'm excited to find out.