Friday 29 November 2013

Traverse podcast

I spoke to the ace Associate Director of the Traverse, Hamish Pirie, on Tuesday for their monthly podcast.

Here is me talking about writing things. 

Thursday 14 November 2013

The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot

Yes I know it's only November but we are already at the end of our first week of rehearsals for my new play, created with and directed by Gareth Nicholls, The Little Boy at Santa Claus Forgot at the Macrobert in Stirling. An adventure for 3-6 year olds, it tells the story of Johnny (who hates Christmas) and his jolly neighbour, Mr McGregor (who loves Christmas) and what happens when Christmas is cancelled...

I'm sitting at the back of the rehearsal room looking at a roaring fire, a shy turkey and a massive pile of brussel sprouts. Oh and there's also a big bottle of Christmas Spirit in the corner. It's been a lot of fun this week. I hope you'll join us when we open on Tuesday 3rd December.

For tickets, book here.